Easter 2011 was a blast as Hayden is old enough to understand some of the cultural traditions like Easter egg hunts and the Easter Bunny. He is also starting to understand Jesus and who he is to us as His followers. As Hayden would say when giving a fist bump (or knuckles) to someone else, "Knuckles for Jesus" [too]. We enjoyed church followed by brunch out. We then came home to find the Easter Bunny had been here and enjoyed an Easter egg hunt. We shared our Easter dinner with a nice young couple relatively new to town. Later in the afternoon we made Jello jigglers in the shape of bunnies and eggs. We have to be creative since we're working with some allergies. No dyeing eggs for us or making festive cookies or chocolates. Its better for Mommy anyway, easier on the waistline. The evening was a relaxing time, just enjoying each others company and catching up with family from far away thanks to Skype.
The whole family complete with Sadie before church
Before church with the Easter baskets with our Easter Bunny treat behind the kids.
Seeing and enjoying what the Easter Bunny left inside the house and that our lettuce and carrots were gone after church.
After the Easter Egg hunt with the videographer for Easter 2011
Adorable pic's of your always adorable kiddos!