Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mommy Photo Session

I try to be consistent with taking pictures. I make the effort to always carry my camera in my now jumbo sized purse which doubles as a diaper bag. However, I get on kick occasionally, especially when my children are acting rather docile and looking especially adorable. I have to pick up the camera and begin a Mommy photo session. Hayden now runs at the sound of the camera turning on however, after taking cues from our professional photographer, who plays with Hayden while she takes the pictures, I was able to capture some of him that weren't a sour face or produced a blur in the image. This day wasn't particularly extraordinary, just a normal play-at-home after a nap sort of a day. But I hope my memory holds what these days were long many years from now

Then, I attempted to get myself in the shot (as I take more pictures than I am actually in.) That was a great cuddle.

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