Thursday, November 3, 2011


This was our inaugural trick-or-treating adventure. With 2 sets of short legs and parental guidance, we made it to 5 houses to all the neighbors directly around us who we know pretty well in about 30 minutes. It was a pretty warm night for the end of October so our kiddos were sweating in their hefty and snuggly costumes by the time we got home. What candy that Hayden couldn't eat because of allergies, I traded out with candy he could. He ate about 4 pieces that night and I swear was practically vibrating from the sugar. We had to burn some of it off, so Derrick sacrificed himself to a wrestling session with the kids. You'd be surprised the number they can do on you with a 26 lb 2 1/2 year doing a body slam on you. The baby girl, well, she's scrappy. Overall, we determined Hayden's candy of choice is Skittles and Clare had to settle for a Halloween yogurt snack. Not quite fair, but she needs a few more teeth in my opinion and a better tooth brushing form before I'll submit to giving her candy. So she'll have to wait until next year to relish in her Halloween takings. Each night since Halloween, Hayden has asked to go trick-or-treating again. And he loves handing out candy to the trick-or-treaties (not treaters). Its so precious that when I'd open the door to them he would yell "Trick-or-treat" too. He thinks its great having so many kids come to his house in one night.

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