Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Clare's 2 Year Photo Shoot...With Me as the Photographer

So I took a lot, a by a lot I literally mean 500 pictures of this girl.  While it didn't require much Photoshopping because she is just so beautiful (okay I am biased), I will not be getting to the whole batch anytime soon.  Some of the pictures are funny to me because I can tell she's had about enough of me and she knows we are at the place she loves to play and mommy is keeping a tighter leash today and saying a whole lot of "smile pretty girl."  She's a good sport though and soon she'll feel the camera and get her pose on like her older brother does at 3 1/2.  My little hams.   But seriously, I look at these pictures and look at her pictures last year and I cannot hardly believe she is the same little girl.  She is so much more verbal and confident.  She is independent in a matter of speaking, sometimes beyond her physical capabilities.  She has definite likes and dislikes now and will let you know it.  She's developed her own style of playing and favors the baby dolls.  She likes to clean and grocery shop and help with the laundry.   Hmmm, this is sounding familiar.  She loves to learn songs and I'll catch her singing new ones I didn't even know that she knew.  She loves her boots in these pictures and loves tutus but can tackle her brother like a 300 lb linebacker.  Keeps the contact low.  She loves to wrestle with her daddy everyday when he comes home from work.   She calls it being taken downtown.  She loves her gymnastics class and is fearless (frightening).  She has pretty good ball control with a soccer ball and can catch balls.  She has a sense of humor and once she knows something is funny, she will try her hardest to keep you laughing.  I have loved getting to know her personality this year.  Though a stubborn streak was born this year, a little part of me is thankful its there for when she gets out there and doesn't have anyone to stand up for her.  She's my little 2 year old going on 20.  I'm blessed to get to raise her!

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