First, my apologies to the ever faithful blog checkers who have spurred me on to get back to doing this (ehehehe, Michelle). From our previous blog entry, you can see that we had a rough start to the year, well, Hayden did. He didn't get better until mid-February and is currently suffering through a second bout of RSV this season. We'll get through it though. And, in case you hadn't heard, we found a specialist who correctly diagnosed his first and most worry-some illness as a bacterial overgrowth post Rotavirus which caused him to continuing throwing up and having diarrhea for weeks after the virus was dead and gone. So the few weeks that we had between illnesses, we have been living it up spending as much time out of the house as humanly possible. Play dates, zoo trips, library children times, parks, and more. Hayden is mastering walking and now working on running. He is into everything he's not supposed to be and so my productivity has decreased while he's been awake and awake time has increased with dropping down to one nap. Great for getting out but a killer when it comes to getting things done. So in that one naptime, I've been napping because I'm a little sleepier the last few months. Which brings me to the second piece of news, a due date. Baby #2 will be joining on or around September 30th. We're very excited for our growing family and have been hard at work looking for a house. We need more room for kiddos including more of a backyard and a little more of a place to offer our guests who we so enjoy having. So we have a deadline, otherwise it could get a little, um, shall we say tight in our current living situation. And now for the pictures which I'm sure most have skipped right to...
We got Hayden some blocks to practice his stacking (and his real joy, knocking over)
Mommy, Sadie and Hayden stacking blocks in new ways. Yes, this is how we fill the evenings sometimes. We're wild!!
Baby #2 at 12 weeks (just last week)
A far away profile shot
Baby sucking his or her thumb (5 weeks until we find out whether the baby is a he or she)
A face shot
A closer profile shot