Sunday, October 11, 2009

Way Behind on Blogging...But He's 9 Months!!

Yeah, 11 days ago Hayden officially became a 9 month old. You can see that in the 9 months, I've become more lax about posting in a timely manner. To give myself an out, we have been ailing from severe colds that were determined not to be the flu- swine, avian, bovine, regular or otherwise. However, only Derrick and his iron-clad immune system have managed to evade this virus that Hayden and I are sharing. Anyway, we had our 9 month professional mommy photography session to commemorate this day. Hayden is now crawling beautifully, trying to stand without assistance and great at pulling himself to standing and staying that way for a long time. His first discriminate word was "book" and has followed with "ball," "bear," "duck," and "bug." Mama and Dada aren't nearly as cool to say as they used to be. He got to travel to Denver recently and visit his aunt Rachael and there he mastered her stairs and has loved to sneak away from me ever since requiring a barricade at the bottom of the stairs. He loves to sing and to Derrick's delight enjoys country music-especially Alabama-though mommy throws in a wide variety from Christian to Classical and of course actual children's tunes. He still loves Sadie and treats her like a favored stuffed animal and dives on her to cuddle. She just gets up and finds somewhere else to curl up only to be "cuddled" with again in about 2 minutes. Anyway, he's a lot of fun. He's learns so fast and watches everything we do and is always trying to imitate us. It makes you very aware of what you're doing every second that he is around. Enjoy the pictures. My little ham always loves posing it up!

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