I can't believe that my baby girl is 8 months today. I both feel like that can't be possible because 8 months couldn't have possibly passed and that I can't hardly remember what it was like to not have her in our lives. She is a multi-faceted personality. She is both sweet and gentle but has a sassy little side too. She goes with the flow for most things but will let you know when there is something that she doesn't like (like getting her face wiped.) She is crawling and started that one day shy of 7 months, pulling herself to standing like a pro, feeding herself cheerios, puff, crackers and soft diced fruit. Her first two bottom teeth came in at 7 1/2 months and she handled it like a champ. She has great fine motor skills. She has attempted some free walking, though she's not quite there yet. She is desperate to keep up with her brother and crawling just isn't cutting it. She's a whopping 16 lbs, and she so little trying do all of this that she surprises me everyday. She still does her adorable little head cock to the side and loves looking at her reflection. She has no interest in baby toys and likes to drive the dump truck, fire truck and hot wheels because that is what Hayden is playing with. I think she is growing up faster than I am ready to let her grow up. But she makes me so proud to be her mama everyday.
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