Friday, March 30, 2012


So, truly, worms were something that we may have mentioned at our previous abode, but rarely saw them because it really never rained enough to roust them out of their homes.  However after 4 full days of rain here (that turned the grass to what I can only imagine Ireland looks like), they were everywhere and specifically piled up on the outside of my garage door.  Well, we had to check these out and before and after every exit via the garage and car, give them a howdy and hello.  Hayden was concerned that we'd run over them so yes, I would move them.  However, Daddy does not move worms, so we had some life and death talks.  When it finally started drying up some of them had to be placed back in there original habitats.  And my personal favorite was that some of them liked to ride the garage door up and then when you were standing under it, fall on you.  Luckily worms don't gross me out that much.  If it was preying mantis' or a roach of some sort, I would have lost my cookies.  Anyway, its always fun to rediscover with childlike curiosity, things we overlook everyday now.  However, my childlike curiosity will be limited if the previously mentioned bugs make any sort of entrances into my home and/or garage.  Happy Spring!

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