Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 months, half a year, oh my where does it go?

Our little baby girl is just growing up so quickly and I can't hardly believe it. She sits on her own and has for several weeks now. She is finding her voice and likes to scream. Not just out of frustration and discontent, though occasionally she throws a little fit, but just because she likes how it feels. These are ear-drum busting screams to which Hayden promptly says to her "no screaming baby Clare". It just amazes us that these noises come out of her because she has been quiet and docile since she was born. She also enjoys blowing bubbles immensely which is not so fun when you are wearing white and she is eating peas or butternut squash. She is eating solid food but really wants what everyone else is eating. She will often grab off your plate, or more brazenly, out of your hand something which you are eating and try and shove it in her mouth. (Just today, some birthday cake that her daddy had in his hand...that was some nice blue frosting to clean off of her hand). I caved and gave her a cracker the other day which she promptly gobbled down. I would NEVER have done that with Hayden. It's funny, but the second one actually grows up faster than the first one because they are always chasing the first one. She really wants to walk and gets mad at us when we try to help her crawl. She still clings to us like a little monkey and does the cutest little things like laying her head on your shoulder when you carry her. We all just enjoy her so much and look forward to seeing what she does in the next month.

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